Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two Years Ago.

Two years ago, I was as solid as a rock. Pulling off a minimum of a thousand pushups and six days of heavy weight lifting a week, I felt unstoppable. I'd begun my fitness oddyssey a few years prior, going from zero physical activity to a perfect combination of cardio, resistance activities, and healthy eating that resulted in the kind of physique and energy level that I never could've imagined. I never slowed down. I never got tired. Everyday I hungered for more. New challenges, new methods, more weight, I was an addict and the high just got better and better. I was 26 and in great shape. I only had one problem; I was making no money. I soon left the comfort zone of my enjoyable yet not so lucrative job, to accept higher paying work an hour's drive away. The long hours and road-time soon began affecting my workouts. Six workouts a week became five. Five became 4. Four became 3 and so on until all that remained of my motivation was a nagging voice in my head. My eating habits tanked. I was so exhausted, that on my rare days off, the gym was the last thing on my mind. I had alot going against me, but deep inside I knew that I'd be back in the swing of things before very long. However, I'd soon experience a major setback in the form of an on the job injury. One afternoon while lifting a piece of heavy cable, I'd snatched too suddenly and felt an excruciating pull in my lower back. Like any other hard headed genius, I ignored the pain. Life went on. I worked and laughed and loved letting the injury and my fitness take a back seat. Soon I'd be unemployed, unmotivated, and nearly 40 pounds overweight.